Shaun Whiteside on Monsieur Teste at the TLS
Mia Ruf on Monsieur Teste at Asymptote
Diane Mehta on my translation of Paul Valéry’s Monsieur Teste at the Wall Street Journal
Review by Benjamin Kunkel at the New Yorker of my translation of Paul Valéry’s Monsieur Teste
Michael Dirda on Monsieur Teste at the Washington Post
Ceremony for conferral of the Chevalier dans l’Ordre des et des Lettres at the French Consulate in NYC, May 10, 2024
Excerpt from Monsieur Teste by Paul Valéry
The Magnetic Fields by André Breton and Philippe Soupault reviewed in Bomb Magazine
The Mysterious Correspondent by Marcel Proust in Publishers’ Weekly
Charlotte Mandell and Edwin Frank of NYRB Classics read from and discuss her translation of Breton and Soupault’s THE MAGNETIC FIELDS
LET’S STOP MOVING: an excerpt from my forthcoming translation of THE MAGNETIC FIELDS by André Breton and Philippe Soupault at Asymptote
Charlotte Mandell reads from THE MAGNETIC FIELDS by André Breton and Philippe Soupault, and from her translation in progress of Paul Valéry’s MONSIEUR TESTE, both forthcoming from NYRB Classics.
FEELINGS ARE FREE: an excerpt from my forthcoming translation of THE MAGNETIC FIELDS by André Breton and Philippe Soupault at Jerome Rothenberg’s Poems and Poetics site
Charlotte Mandell reads from THE MAGNETIC FIELDS by André Breton and Philippe Soupault as part of the Sant Jordi NYC festival
An excerpt from An Apartment on Uranus by Paul B. Preciado at the Paris Review
An excerpt from the opening pages of Swann’s Way by Marcel Proust
An excerpt from Tell Them of Battles, Kings and Elephants by Mathias Enard
“The Perfume of the Desert,” a short story by Mathias Enard
Mathias Enard’s speech at the Leipzig Gewandhaus
An excerpt from Instants Soufis by Abdelwahab Meddeb in The Doris
An excerpt from Street of Thieves by Mathias Enard at GRANTA
An excerpt from Zone at PEN
An excerpt from Syrian Notebooks by Jonathan Littell at the NYRB
An excerpt from Le Bateau ivre by Rimbaud
EYELAND: the Cuttyhunk photographs of Charlotte Mandell
Metambesen: texts and chapbooks of new work in word and image
Excerpt from Zone at the White Review
French book blog
Jonathan Littell on the Congo in Asymptote
An essay on translation in World Literature Today
On Translating The Fata Morgana Books by Jonathan Littell
Charlotte Mandell reading from her translation of The Fall of Sleep by Jean-Luc Nancy
Jonathan Littell’s Syrian Notebooks in the London Review of Books
Excerpt from Zone by Mathias Énard
“Migration,” a short story by Mathias Énard
“Reading”? by Jonathan Littell
An excerpt from The Kindly Ones
Website devoted to The Kindly Ones in German
Book review of Blanchot’s Chroniques littéraires
Jean-Luc Nancy’s tribute to Maurice Blanchot
Blanchot essay at Hors-Sol
Poem by Abdelwahab Meddeb
Manifesto for Democracy in Tunisia
René Daumal’s “The Poet’s Last Words”
Excerpt from Zola’s L’Assommoir
Melancholy in the Mirror by Jean Starobinski
Lacanian Ink 33 (with an excerpt from The Fall of Sleep by Jean-Luc Nancy)
Nicole Peyrafitte performing my translations of poems by Robert Kelly
My translations into French of six poems by Robert Kelly